Hype Machine’s Zeitgeist for 2011 has finally launched.
This year, singles have been compiled into mixes, which feature the most blogged and favorited tracks of the year.  Right now, part one includes Remix Artist Collective (RAC) and The Internet (OFWGKTA), with more to be released each day. It’s a shame there’s no track listing, but they make good work-time listening.
Top Albums are sourced from 403 bloggers’ top 10 lists, weighted according to their ranking. They appear in a top 50 countdown, simply click the album cover to stream from Rdio. Not all albums are available in every region though.
Also released in snippets is the top artists section. This year Hype has teamed up with The Perry Bible Fellowship to create the 2011 Musical Landscape, based on artists most frequently discussed by the blogs the site monitors. More of the map will be revealed each day.
The People’s Choice albums of the year will be launched at the end of the week.
If you’re not a daily visitor to the site like me (I keep it open in a browser all day long) you can follow @hypem on Twitter for updates to the above.