New music

Florence takes on Drake

I like this cover of Drake & Rihanna’s Take Care, recorded at Radio 1’s legendary Live Lounge. Quite a lot really. Then again, the original was produced by Jamie xx, so is a great track by any standards.

What will make it onto Marina's Electra Heart?

What will make it onto Marina’s Electra Heart?

Fear and Loathing saw Marina & the Diamonds transform into blonde-haired Electra Heart earlier this year. As well as her first alter ego, the character is also the name of her new album. Speaking to Popjustice she explained that, “Electra Heart is the antithesis of everything that I stand for. And the point of introducing her and building […]

Three new tracks now online from Amy Winehouse

Three new tracks now online from Amy Winehouse

I hope they don’t drag out the release of Amy Winehouse’s ‘unheard’ tracks for too long. ‘Like Smoke’ with Nas has me convinced (recorded way back in 2008 and played first on Radio 1XTRA today). Body & Soul with Tony Bennett is her at her best. Though the line, “It looks like the ending/ Unless I could […]

Aziz Ansari + Kanye + Jay-Z

I love Otis Redding’s ‘Try a Little Tenderness’, I love Kanye & Jay-Z together on this track, and now I discover that none other than Aziz Ansari appears in the Spike Jonze directed video. Epic.