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Unapologetically proud

Unapologetically proud

Ads, music and brand recognition

Ads, music and brand recognition

For the second time in a week, my attention has been grabbed (meerkat-style) by the music playing in a television advert. For years I’ve thought that ads created for a European audience have some of most appropriate and top quality soundtracks of any in the world, so it’s not a new thing. But as the […]

Emily Haines. Do you know her? You should.

Emily Haines. Do you know her? You should.

I have a huge amount of respect for anyone who can be fluid with their musical career. Though decade-long stints in a band, maintaining a certain level of quality throughout is tough (I’m looking at you Jagger), taking part in multiple projects AND STILL producing great music is in my opinion even harder. I’ve been […]

Scott Pilgrim, or 'I just couldn't stand it any longer'

Scott Pilgrim, or ‘I just couldn’t stand it any longer’

Me and the boy were lucky enough to go to the European premiere of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World on Wednesday. My 140 character review, posted just an hour after the film ended, was as you can see to the right. It’s now Friday, and I’m tearing my hair out to get hold of a […]