Bus stops and green art

While pondering today’s NaBloPoMo (almost halfway there!), I came across a tweet from my good friend Alfie Dennen’s new project Bus. Tops. Just a little shout out before I continue, as its just been chosen as one of the 12 commissions of public art across the country by the Arts Council and the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. Very exciting news.

With this in mind, the Bus. Tops account had posted the link to another bus stop and arts related project; an exhibit in the Tate Modern’s 2007 series ‘Global Cities‘. It was in fact, Treehugger’s coverage (which is one of my favourite eco-blogs, alongside Greenmonk and Greenbang).

“…too bad it’s just part of an art show, rather than out on the streets. For his commission, the artist Nils Norman has borrowed a bus shelter, a sign and a lamppost from London Transport and turned them into vehicles for environmental information whilst making them look like everyday advertising.”

The posters depict impending environmental disasters and the roof has been adapted to show how green spaces could look in the future. Nice.

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