Signing up to 10:10

So, I’ve just signed up in less than a minute to the 10:10 campaign.

Launched last week with help from The Guardian, it’s a major new climate campaign that asks individuals, businesses and organisations to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

As most won’t have made it to the opening at The Tate Modern, the 10:10 website ( makes up for it and then some. Beautifully designed (with more than a hint of Guardian-esque influence), it includes the ability to invite friends, share through social media and post badges galore on your sites. See case in point above.

You can buy a tag (made from a recycled Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet), print out a cheat sheet to stick on your fridge, view a timeline of events and news, donate directly or click directly through to a Google search listing to see what other people are saying.

The people behind this new initiative – namely Age of Stupid creator Franny Armstrong – are obviously trying to utilise the trend for wearing your charity on your sleeve (kicked off by the introduction of the those plastic bracelets made fashionable by the likes of Bono), and have made it as easy as humanly possible to get involved.

Instead of the usual ‘fluff’, 10:10 will be supported by specific tips and actions to help cut emissions throughout the year, focusing on national and international inclusion as well as individuals and communities. Over the weekend, the entire cabinet signed up, so Brown, Cameron and Clegg are all jumping on the bandwagon.

This may simply be remembered as just another high profile carbon campaign, or it could make a real difference, only time will tell. At the very least, it has parameters that we’ll be able to measure its success or failure against.

One response to “Signing up to 10:10”

  1. nik butler

    In our recent podcast @Doctorpod and I speculated how much energy could be saved if SMEs were to run their server rooms only when their staff and business processes completed. Its very likely that 50% of the operational day for a server is spent idling and could just as easily be run powered down. A thousand businesses in every town across the UK doing this would make a big impact.

    See episode 20 when its up

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